Fiber Technology Services Company is an Afghan IT/ICT and smart building solution provider licensed Ministry of Commerce and Industry, as well as a registered as one of the few TTSP and ISP companies of the country. FT acts as a holding company and focuses on new technological solutions for commercial businesses, factories and organization. We serve in VAS (Value Added Service), Software and Database Development & Consulting Services and have task-based partnerships with local and international OEMs. We are committed to provide innovative, customer-focused and robust foundation for information and communication technology and VAS solutions around the country that enable governments, NGOs, education sector and corporates to pursue excellence in their operations and day to day activities.
Our mission is to provide an efficient and innovative technology solutions, thus raising society’s living standards via the generation and promotion of modern technological solutions. The mission at FTSC is to add value and to contribute to our clients' long-term success and competitive strength.
“NO DISTANCE ANY MORE!” Our vision is Excellence in Information Technology Solutions & Services. Our performance will be guided by a fast connectivity, highest security, and 24/7-365 supports for business and personal use.
“Seeing the world like the palm of your hands!” Our goal is to create this convenience for all of you through easy access, reliable support and proper services.
FT is well experienced in internet products and services market. We have a strong influence through powerful tools including our own proprietary product line i.e., Internet, TV commercials, print media, personalized outbound telemarketing and the retail channels. We have successfully demonstrated the ability to effectively acquire customers and provide satisfactory outcomes.
The market for wireless broadband Internet connections is wide. Home requirements are different; however, businesses need full-service broadband access. Demand for traditional broadband connections is surpassing conservative forecasts. The wireless market is even more exciting due to the significantly lower costs needed in terms of delivery infrastructure. In Fiber Technology Services, customer base grows, costs decrease through scales of economy, creating an even more compelling argument for FT’s existence.
FT always seeks to establish trust with customers through professionalism, honesty and open dialogue, high quality customer service, and a commitment to partnership and collaboration.
Fiber technology Services Serves as one of the few companies of the country who have obtained the following levels of licensing from Afghanistan Telecommunications Regulatory Authority.
We are one of the few companies of the country who have obtained Telecommunication Technology Service Provider licensing from Afghanistan Telecommunications Regulatory Authority.
We are one of the few companies of the country who have obtained Internet Service Provider licensing from Afghanistan Telecommunications Regulatory Authority.
We are one of the few companies of the country who have obtained Information and Communication Technology licensing from Afghanistan Telecommunications Regulatory Authority.
We are one of the few companies of the country who have obtained Fiber to the home licensing from Afghanistan Telecommunications Regulatory Authority.